There is so much prep to do to get ready for Market and then it's here and over so quickly . . . you don't want it to end . . . just like Christmas! Now the "jet lag" sets in. The total exhaustion. The let down. The living room is full of bins overflowing with props . . . the leftover charts . . . the models tucked safely between bubble wrap. They all need to be sorted through and repacked for the Merchandise Mart at the Prim Stitchers Society Spring Retreat in Williamsburg, VA the end of April/beginning of May. At least I don't have to wait a whole year for "Christmas" again!
Leaving for Market was a challenge to say the least. The hubs and I made the car switch (he takes my Bug, I take the Yukon). He helped me load some of the heavy stuff . . . the models and the display shutters. He took the puppy with him to his house (he works out of town) on Sunday so I could get the last minute stuff done before leaving on Thursday. As usually happens this time of year, snow was predicted. We got 5 inches of snow the night before we were to leave.
My "CSO" (Chief Sales Officer I call her) Kathie and I decided to leave about 10 a.m. hoping the roads would be clear by then. I got everything packed up leaving just enough room for Kathie's luggage and got in the car at 10 a.m. Noooo . . . the battery was dead!
Called the hubs . . . remarkably calm . . . and told him. He called the dealership asking if someone could come out and replace the battery. Of course, they couldn't send a mechanic, but they did send out a wrecker who was able to jump-start the car. We live on a private road . . . of which none of us plow. I couldn't tell if any of the other roads in the area were cleared. The wrecker guy said that all the roads were in good shape except ours . . . whew!
Drove the car to the dealer and got there just before noon. I think they all went to lunch. I finally got out of there, grabbed a sandwich and Kathie and I got on the road at 2 p.m. We made it to Nashville before dark . . . yea! Got unloaded, grabbed some dinner at the hotel and got the room set up so we could spend Friday in Franklin . . . shopping! Now we had to sell enough to make room for what we bought!
"Early Bird" shopping went great! You could tell that the attitudes were positive and everyone was full of excitement! The fellow designers I talked to were very pleased with attendance and sales. A big thank you to Yarn Tree and Needlework Retailer for reviving Nashville!!!

We did have an opportunity to do a little Market shopping ourselves on Sunday. Oh . . . so many great things . . . what to choose?! A few of the designers I visited were out of some of what I wanted . . . I'll get them eventually. Now to find the time to stitch someone else's designs!!!
Happy Stitching! ~*