The Nashville Market the beginning of March . . . has become more fun (and profitable) each year as friendships grow with shop owners and fellow designers. Love exploring Franklin, TN and discovering new things in the area. Can't wait for next year!
Prim Stitchers Society Retreat the beginning of April in Marietta, GA . . . also fun . . . and enjoyed seeing familiar faces and meeting new members . . . sad that there will only be two more. Here are the highlights of the Merchant Mall this year:
Kathie and I ready for the shopping to begin here at The Nebby Needle!
Summer House Stitche Works
Teresa's Prim Treasures
Dixie Samplar
Threadwork Primitives
Homestead Needleworks
Homespun Elegance
Notforgotten Farm
Stitch N Button
By My Hand Needl'wrks
Death By Thread
Dames of the Needle
Carolina Stitcher
Kathie and I had loads of fun at the final night banquet shared with
Lori (Notforgotten Farm) and her sidekick Joan.
Celebration of Needlework the end of April in Nashua, NH was great fun! It was a long drive broken up with a stop in Myerstown, PA (at cousin's) and a stop in NJ at Janis' house to discuss how we were going to operate this joint venture . . . and helping her stain boxes for her class.
I shared a booth (and hotel room) with Janis Note of Noteworthy Needle . . . we are the "N & N Girls".
I forgot my camera . . . had the tripod and battery charger, but no camera . . . so Janis lent me one. Here are some of the highlights of Celebrations . . . sorry, didn't take a picture of every booth.
Stephanie of "Hand Dyed Fabrics by Stephanie"
Niky of "Nikyscreations Primitive Designs"
Candy of "The Workbasket"
Beth of "Summer House Stitche Works"
"Lindsay Lane Designs" . . . where's Meg?
visiting made easy!

After setting up our booths on Thursday, Niky and I took our free afternoon and went exploring (call that shopping) around the Nashua area. We started off at Frye's Measure Mill in Wilton, NH
Our next stop was the Peterboro Basket Company
Bought a K-cup basket for The Hubs.

We also stopped at Michaels on the way back for the evening "Preview and Power Shopping". Yes . . . we bought there as well . . . no doubt there was little profit from this show . . . LOL!
We skipped the final banquet that was a fund raiser for Breast Cancer
(looked like fun with all the donated vendor baskets for auction)
to dine at Martha's Exchange in Nashua . . . very delish!
Karen (Rosewood Manor), Candy, Niky, Me, Janis, Stephanie and Meg (Lindsay Lane)
(thanks Denis for taking the picture).
Then . . . we wrapped up the evening with some Port-sharing in our room at the Marriott.
Was able to stop for a two day visit with my daughter in Connecticut on the way home. . . had fun even though she had a sore throat . . . got to be "mommy" and take care of her. Then on to an overnight at Beth's (from Summer House Stitche Works) . . . a wonderful hostess! Took a brief trip down memory lane . . . Beth lives 7 miles from my three years of living in Camp Hill, PA and graduating from Cedar Cliff High School. Drove by the old house and school . . . wow . . . what a difference in both since 1967-70!
Great fun and great new friendships . . .
still playing catch-up at home and stitching someone else's design for a change
while I recuperate from all this traveling.
There's no place like home!