VERY excited about
TNNA Nashville Needlework Market just a week away ! ! ! Finishing up some printing and ready to pack up the models. So, make your list and check it twice and let your local shop owners know what you want them to bring back . . . and I thank you ahead of time if there's a chart or two of mine on that list!
All my charts will be available at Market including the
On A Hillside
This design was inspired by the song "Little Boxes" written by Malvina Reynolds in 1962 which became a hit for her friend Pete Seeger (who just died last month) in 1963 . . .I was a big "folk music" fan in the 60's. For some reason I've remembered the words to this song and heard it again at Music On The Square in Jonesborough, TN sung by a local group (Doc Bonhomie) . . . purchased their CD "Waiting To Be Found" and continue to listen to it . . . love their work . . . very folk/blue grass! The song has been covered by a number of artists over time and I guess it was also the theme song for the TV show "Weeds" . . . don't know, never watched it.
Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes made of ticky tacky
Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes all the same,
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.
Old Town Sampler
This design is a direct result of being born and raised in Alexandria, VA. How can you not enjoy the Federal style architecture found in the "Old Town" area after spending your entire childhood there?! Even though I like land, lots of land . . . I still love those tall narrow brick homes with the slate roofs and iron fences.
Amazing Grace

I have had Amazing Grace in my head for several years just waiting for the right design to crystallize. I was asked to design an individual piece with a bible verse for someone recently and the verse just seemed to call for bleeding hearts. After finishing that chart, I knew bleeding hearts were the right choice for this one. I got a little carried away with the GA thread Vintage Lace. I love the variegation in color from linen to pink and wanted some real lace that color . . . so, I crocheted it. The instructions are on the pattern . . . just a warning though . . . I just winged it. I mean . . . I didn't figure out where to start the crochet to have it come out right. I did pull it out once and start over and somehow it came out right. I suppose you could count and measure and all that, but unfortunately I don't work that way. I will tell you that there are an even number of picots (8) on each side and an odd number (11) on the top and bottom. If you get stuck, email me and maybe I can help. Or better yet . . . buy some linen colored lace and add a bit of pink blush to it . . . done!
If you're attending Market, please stop in!
"The Fun Girls" (my retreat sisters and I) will be in Room 617 singing "Little Boxes" ! ! !