Saturday, August 4, 2012

Do Your Own Thing

I've never been a person who thinks "it's my way or the highway".   Things should work for you.  When I'm looking at charts, something has to appeal to me . . . the content, the colors, a verse, etc.  Some charts I work exactly as the designer intended it to be . . . love it all.  Other charts I might tweak a bit to suit me . . . it might be the colors . . . it might be the placement of something.  Don't be afraid to make something your own.  Yes, I have ripped stitches out where it didn't work, but sometimes it does!

I did this one from The Sampler Girl for my father (this is a  reduced color copy I kept for myself).  I changed the colors and replaced the house with the house my father grew up in.  I liked Tanya's design very much, but the colors wouldn't work in my parents' house.

This is a Blackbird Designs piece I absolutely loved!  I loved the color pallet which I didn't change much.  It just wasn't big enough!  I wanted more!  So, I added to it to make it a bigger piece and thought the little piece of vintage lace went so well with the design.

 This Shepherd's Bush design was an R&R Retreat piece from a few years ago.  Again loved the piece but something didn't feel right with the color placement for me.  It's a perfectly lovely piece as designed, but it worked better for me when I changed the color placement . . . don't know why.  I also attached the autographed design cover to the back of the piece . . . for posterity . . . you know, when the piece winds up in a museum of 21st Century needlework some day . . . LOL !!!!!

So go do your own thing!  If you have a piece you've changed . . .  be it one of mine or someone else . . . send it to me and I may share "your own thing"!   (my email address is over there on the right)

1 comment:

  1. Good advice, Bon! Now that the French Knot shop is no longer with us, I've been substituting colors from my stash. Just can't order over-dyed flosses on line - I need to see it!
